Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I hope all you mothers had as great a Mothers Day as I did. My daughter, Stephanie, took her dad and me for brunch at Reunion Tower in downtown Dallas. Aside from great food, the entire restaurant spins, making one complete turn in an hour and giving a panoramic view of Dallas and the surrounding countryside. Fort Worth is also within sight to the west. It's an awesome experience.

I've been busy doing my "author thing" for the past few days. For those of you who think being an author means simply writing fabulous, best selling books, I've got new for you. Last week I spent the entire week preparing for an all day writers' workshop that got cancelled at the last minute, and yesterday I did my bookstore crawl. I prepared packets containing info on my two recently published books, bio, contact info, ordering info, and anything else I could think of and traveled to two bookstores--one an independent and one a major chain. I plastered on my smile and tried not to grovel as I asked for book signing time and/or program time. I took along Jim, who did the jacket art for THE DEARLY DEPARTED, and offered him as part of the program. I got two "probablys." Today I tackle my list of book reviewers again. So far, I have two who have ordered review copies from my publisher and promised to review the book. Whew!

Would any of you like to review THE DEARLY DEPARTED for your local newspaper? Let me know, and I'll tell you how to get your very own FREE review copy. Nothing like bribery to get results!

'Til next time--Betsy


juleew said...

Hi Betsy,

It's great hearing from you. Congrats on your two books. I look forward to reading The Dearly Departed, the ghost story. I couldn't get a good look at Jim's illustration, but I will once I get my own book copy.

I am so very glad that Jim is traveling along with you, that means he is recovered from his illness. Terrific!

I mentioned to a friend that you were teaching YA at UCLA again this summer and she is planning to take your class. I sure miss your wonderful insights and helpful comments and look forward to taking another advanced class from you, perhaps?

In the meantime I will stay in touch by reading your blog.


Cyndy said...

hi Betsy! Reading that Jim is traveling with you must mean he's feeling better, which is GREAT news! I hope you both are taking time to enjoy this gorgeous springtime from the comfort of your patio chairs.-:))))))))

Congratulations on two new pubs -- I'm on the way to Amazon to order/pre-order right after I finish this note.

All's well here. I signed up for your summer YA class -- hooray, can't wait! -- and have been scribbling away when I have time during this very busy spring at my school job.

BTW, any chance you're coming out to SoCal at some point and might do a school library appearance (especially if I'd canvass the local bookstores/libraries and line up some other appearances?)? I'm buying the Chinese Chicken salad-plus if you and Jim can make it out here.

Last but not least -- I won first place in the series contemporary category of the 'Winter Rose' writing Contest (RWA chapter in TX). I still have a lot of work to do on the manuscript, but winning that contest has been a huge boost to my confidence (and motivation). I'd like to talk to you someday about how you've kept yourself positive and motivated (especially when you first started your career).

Take care -- and thanks!
